Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Does any one meet and date people the 'old fashioned way' anymore? and not online dating?

Deos anyone meet people by going out to bars, restaurants, etc. It seems as though everyone is online dating! personally i think it is sketchy as hell!

I am 20 and i am saying 'old fashioned way'!!

Does any one meet and date people the 'old fashioned way' anymore? and not online dating?
im the same way, dating sites are a scam, and a great place for child molesters and rapistis to seek out prey
Reply:me 2!
Reply:You could start a new trend. It used to work, why not now.
Reply:I agree... Even though I'm 14. GET OUT AND LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I dont know anyone who online dates. I believ that anyone who is online dating is too desperate or if you met them in real life you wouldnt even consider them.
Reply:myself and three of my best friends all met our boyfriends online. my cousin met her husband online.

which is creepier -

1. you're in a bar. you've had a few drinks and you're tipsy - and you're surrounded by other people who are also drinking, who are probably wasted. it's dark. there's loud music playing. you see a guy you think is cute - that's all you know: that he's attractive (at least through your beer goggles, that is). if he doesn't aggressively try to get you to come home with him that night, you give him your number.

if you decide to meet for a date a few days later, then all you know about him is what you could glean from one night of talking in a dark, loud bar while you were both drunk, plus maybe a couple phone conversations.


2. you see a guy's profile online. you check out his likes/dislikes and decide to email him. you chat online for a few weeks, then talk with him on the phone for a few weeks, and then by your first date you're already in the know about whether you might be compatible, and you have plenty to talk about.

wow, you're right, meeting in bars sounds totally awesome!

maybe you're saying "but people online lie all the time!" well, so do people in real life.

maybe you're saying, "people online look nothing like their pictures!"

you'll know if they look like their picture the moment you lay eyes on them, you can decide right then whether to go forward. plus, weren't you dressed up the night you met the guy in the bar? do you look like that all the time?

I didn't pay a penny for the dating site i was on. how much do you spend on alcohol when you go to a bar? which is the scam?

by the way, I am 22. I've been with my BF for 6 months. My friends who met their boyfriends online (all relationships that have lasted over a year) are 22, 22, and 24. My cousin who met her husband online is 25.
Reply:Yes, people do meet "the old fashioned way", but it helps to realize that some of the "old fashioned ways" kinda suck too.

Bars - Nothing like meeting your local cadre of alcohol dependents on a regular basis. Not necessarily the best mate selection possible.

Restaurants - So unless you go alone you're going with friends and that means that about 60% of everyone will not talk to you. If you go singly , thats not nearly as fun.

So yeah , online dating can be sketchy - in the extreme, but the real thing isn't too much better.
Reply:2 points lol, ye found a bf yet that way ?? lol,
Reply:Yes, and it is best if at all possible.
Reply:i hope so online dating is SO CREEPY to me. i would never do it i have a life and i go out and meet people through friends. people that date online are creepy loners who arent social. creeeeepy!

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