hi im a 31 year old woman who wants 2 get out and meet new people in the leeds area any1 have any ideas of where 2 go,not particulaly pubs but good days out as well as nights,any suggestions wud b nice.
I want to meet new people?
Join a gym, or some sort of class, Yoga or something, surely there is something that interests you? thats one new way of getting out mixing with new people.
Reply:What are your interests? There are usually all kinds of clubs, or classes you can find. There are book clubs, Taost masters for people who want to learn about public speaking, water color classes, golf lessons, tai chi, whatever. Find something you like to do, and be open and talk to the people in your class or group. Obviously you have something in common. Usually there is a community college or adult ed that offers classes. Also YMCA and Parks dept.
If you're talking dating, search for a local group. check our the churches, they usually have singles groups. I met my husband on match.com. My girlfriend asked all of her friends if they knew a nice guy and one of them introduced her to her husband. My dad took a class in woodworking and met his girlfriend.
Find stuff you like and be open. Good luck!
Reply:hi im bubba, u just met someone new
Reply:hate to break it to you but pubs are pretty good places to meet pple, or any other type of bar. Night Clubs are good places too.
Reply:come find me
Reply:while nothing is a guarantee, a big factor to keep in mind for what directs your search is what kind of people are you hoping to meet...and are you the kind of person THEY'D be interested in connecting with. Thus to meet a:
dedicated religious group you might try
intellectual types you might try
library, museums, or college campuses
shopaholics you might try
the mall
fellow addicts you might try
AA meetings (ie. Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, etc.)
recreational pastimers you might try
tennis courts, community centers, aerobics classes, fitness clubs
happy go lucky types you might try
festivals, basket ball games
philanthropic types (or those who need TLC) you might try
nursing homes, prisons, orphanages, troubled youth houses
good luck! a final word of advice just hits me, consider not only looking for a good time, but conduct community service and insert some happiness into someone else's day who would otherwise not get what you so freely have at your fingertips. bye.
Reply:I need to meet new people too!!!
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