i can find them in Voice chats, but i'd like to meet and talk to them face to face. However i find some challenges in California.
1. Most of them are either students or tourists, DON"T HAVE TIME for you becaue they are busy in schools or touring, if they are students they spent more time with foreigner classmates.
2. I never see any japanese that LIVE in usa.. at least not in my city.. sure they visit or are students but they don't live here to stay and dont' have time
3. They usually think y'ure not American if you're a minority and look minority and have accent(like me), and they are not really interested. also they have bunch of racist ideas against nonwhites stemming out of the influences from Movies, and stuff
4.they rather hang wih outgoing americans cause they want to experience things..not with us quiet people that don't have exciting lives.
5..the only place i used to see them was in bus or bus terminal.but due to injuries and depreesion you don't take bus anymore
How do you meet japanese people to practice and share language or become friends, when there is none?
1. You say you live in Cali? Dude, Cali and Hawaii are the most concentrated place where japanese go. So, i find it difficult to accept that you never see any japanese that live in your city. The reason why they hang out with foreigner classmates is because they are in the same shoe (living in someone else's countries). They probably are not confident enough to speak english (please try to understand them). Instead of waiting for them to approach you, why don't you try to approach them?
2. Take it easy, bro. Why don't you do research? I live in LA.. so, i have a LOT of Japanese friends. Try hang out at the Japanese community place. Let say.. ummm i dunno... Little Tokyo, maybe? :)
3. NO! They're not racist. You just misunderstood them. I am not japanese but I do have a lot of Japanese friends. Most of them says that they are not good at english and affraid to accidentally insult americans. If you say they are racist, I would have to put you on the spot. Don't be an ignoramus. Think about their cultures.
(that's what i hate about the people in LA.. -i'm sorry- they expect foreigners to approach them and be nice to them, but they never make an effort to be nice to foreigners. and when they are in a conversation, it is so easy for them to alienate the foreigners and just speaking to other people. Suddenly, we are racist for not hanging out with you guys, helloooo?!).
4. They don't hang out with outgoing americans. They do hang out with outgoing people. That's that! Nobody (even Americans) like to hang out with a boring person regardless of their race and nationality.
5. i don't get what you are trying to say here.. but after having a car, i never take bus anymore.
Reply:Im not reading that long deatlic 5 point thingy, but ill tell u this...GO TO THE NATIVE COUNTRY!, this is america i dont see much japanese flocking around and if there was could u tell?
Reply:Even though you have made a few incorreect assumptions much like you claim they do I believe the best way for you to find people to assist you in learning a language would be to pay someone. Otherwise invest in a language course.
Reply:Well I would go on a site like myspace or something and ask around. Search people in your area, then see if you can find anyone. I like to talk to French-speaking people, but I don't really have that problem because I live in Washington, and being so close to Canada, there are lots of French-speaking people around. Lots of Japanese too! There you go- Move to Wasington!
Reply:if you actually met a japanese person you can correct there english for them ^-^ seriously its a huge fad over there to add randon english words to songs and sometimes normal sentances.
ussually its really broken english affectionitly called engrish by ppl who hear how broken it ussually is. but its not a big deal.
one thing about japan which i always found weird is that they tend to look down upon those that stand out.
and feminine men are considered attractive there like gackt. but gackt is hot so ill let him be as girly as he wants ^-^
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