Thursday, August 19, 2010

Good places to meet people in Frederick, MD?

So, I've recently moved to Maryland, and I'd like to meet some new people, make friends and such, but I'm at a bit of a loss. I've been assured my Scottish accent will help ..people speak to me or something but ..?

I'm really very shy, and I have no idea where a good place to start would be, the nearest city/town to me is Frederick (city?) so if anyone knows any good spots where teenagers (age)15+ hang out, I'd be very appreciative!

I'm kind of an arty person, I like videogames, manga and all that jazz, if that helps narrowing places down?

Thanks a lot in advance! :)

Good places to meet people in Frederick, MD?
Go to Skate Frederick (ice skating rink) or to the Westview movie theatre!

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