Thursday, August 19, 2010

It is okay to tell people you will meet them up a place and not show up?

i sometimes go to a chat room and meet people who want to meet me face to face, i would usually tell them a place to meet me at but never actually show up. I do this just for my own amusement.

It is okay to tell people you will meet them up a place and not show up?
*Gasp* How could you do that...and im not talking about the question either...

That page makes me sick now....I never wanna go back
Reply:You made my day!!!

Thanks.. Report It

Reply:no, that's not ok. actually, that's rude.
Reply:Boy, you must be one sad person to take amusement out of that.
Reply:That is sooooo rude! Get enjoyment some other way, not jerking people around!
Reply:you should care about others people's feelings.i am sure that you will not feel amuse if some girl that you actually like and feel exited to meet do same to you.i am sure that will hurt you very deep inside your heart
Reply:Why don't you take it a step further and tell them you're gonna take them to Europe. You'll take care of everything, just meet you at the airport.
Reply:how would you like it if someone did that to you? find something better to do for your own amusement. what goes around comes around....
Reply:With it being people like that, then it isnt so bad. However, if it is someone you know and are friends with or something like that and you do it, then that is disrespectul and irresponsible. I do not think anyone should meet people on the net without truely knowing them, so I can see why you do that. Pretty funny!
Reply:your mean, but your protecting yourself at the same time. I wouldn't tell them to meet you some place at all.
Reply:no. thats rude. and inconsiderate. think about how you would feel.

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