I meet many people that could be potential friends or lovers but there is no spark or connection with 98% of them. I wonder if this is common.
When you meet people at social events, work, groups, meetings, blind dates, etc, what do you think about most of them? I find that most people are just OK, there seems to be something lacking in their personality, and they seem kind of dull. (I am sure they say the same about me)
What percentage of people that you meet do you click with, and how many are you turned off by?
What do you think about most people you meet socially?
i think their mostly boring normal fools
Reply:I am the more reserved protective type so anyone that makes an effort to talk to me is fine by me we may not agree on things but everyone is entitled to their opinion. My philosophy is if you want me I am right here. I know that may seem selfish but I don't like to waste time. about percentage on who I meet well I would say 60% I click with if I talk to them then again I am not very social I only say something if I have something to say, but that is me.
Reply:I am sorry to say this but most of us are like kind of full of pretender and liar. It is hard you can find a genuine one. Whatever it is, this is facts of life that you have to deal day by day until after you find the true one (and I can't guarantee even with that one). it is one in the million! good luck!
Reply:I think it comes down to an issue you have with yourself more then anything. I can be like that too but I feel as though it is merely my ego speaking. What do you want, people to do backflips, recite Dante? It takes a while i think to see the real worth of someone. I feel the same as yourself however, but i always put it down to me being a pompous git
Reply:it's normal. you're not going to fall in love with everyone you meet. Everyone is very different from another, people are unique. You'll find your niche and someone to love. It may be tomorrow or it ma be in months or years from now. be patient and just enjoy the people you care about. If you find good people u can trust, hold on to them
Reply:Well...this is a good question. I've been in college for two years..and I have to say I've only truly had a connection with one person...I think he's the only person I could really call a friend. Even my roommate who I get along great with..I just don't see us being friends after college (sad to say)...Most people I feel just don't get me or whatever..but at least I met one.
Reply:these days I try to think why this person is coming into my life so I can gauge the relationship properly. It really sux to be let down by somoene who you think is a friend. I also ask why people are my friend or why they like me.
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