I finished the book yesterday.
It is the most amzing book I have ever ever read, it really made me realise that everything we do has a consequence upon other people, everything!!
Quite deep really.
But it made me wonder who I would meet in heaven.
Who do you think your 5 people are?
Five people you meet in heaven?
First off, yes it is an awesome book. I have since lent it to lots of my friends and they have all liked it too.
As for the people I would meet, I think the beauty of the book was that it was people who had affected the characters life who were there but that he had never met, or only very briefly. So for me it would probably be people I knew in school, people who in my work (I work for the NHS helping to fix things when they go wrong) I had helped indirectly. Maybe someone I gave some advice to, or helped with a piece of kindness.
Then again, I am only 23, the main character was in his 0s when he died. I have a whole life time to find people to be my 5... or do I?
Anyway, a great book!
Reply:Assuming by some miracle I made it to that place and assuming these people would be happy to sit and chat I would love to meet the following at a decent dinner party :
Joan of Arc
Leonardo D'vinci
Thomas Eddison
Captain James Cook
Reply:i don't know who i'll meet in heaven .and i don't know whether i'm allowed to remember them. I just wish I can see them in heaven again because i love them and I need them and they provide me with heaven when i'm on earth....i don't wanna part with them./..even if they go to hell :(
Reply:RocĂo Jurado, Coco Chanel, Virginia Wolf, Octavio Paz and my Grandfather
Reply:It could be anyone because the idea of a judgmental God is a lie that religion tells about God.
Love and blessings
Reply:Well, for starters... I'd like to ask all... How do you get to heaven? It can't be decided based on our actions, because if it were... None of us would go. However, I do know that we get to heaven by Jesus Christ alone and by His awesome grace that can surpass the greatest and deepest sins. I know I'll go to heaven, not because I'm better than anyone else(Which I certainly am not), but because I am in love with Jesus and have proclaimed so. I know I'll meet Those I love and those I don't so much in Heaven, but most importantly, I'll see Jesus face to face.
Reply:My desire will be to see every body in heaven but to keep to your question just five right? Sure i will meet with Jesus(to continue in his loving embrace-hey don't be jelouse). i like to meet the thief who was crucified on the right hand side of Jesus(a last minute smart chap).then the woman who escaped death by storning for commiting adultery(just to ask her what was on going thru her mind while she awaited her "death". then i like to meet mother theresa(have heard so much about her i cant wait to see her-an angel to the poor) and lastly i like to meet you that is asking this question(who the hell nops ... who the heaven are you)
Reply:If there is a heaven, I don't think people will exist as they do here on earth. If heaven is all about being with God at the end of at all, then God would be the focal point, not us. I don't think we'd just all be hanging out or anything.
Reply:God the Father
Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit
Those who accepted Jesus Christ and worked out their salvation.
Reply:First of all Jesus,
Kind David because even though he was a murderer %26amp; adulterer, God called him" A man after Gods own heart
Billy Graham
I didnt say my parents cause I've already met them
Reply:1. The first person will be who is benifited by me.
2. The second who sufferred by me.
3. The third who helped me for my growth.
4. Fourth who makes my life miserable.
5.Fifth the person motive behind my success.
6.My parents( Both are one)
Reply:i'll be glad to be there!
really we are not able to say...GOD knows our hearts...i would like to see my Dad, my mother, my sister, my children, my husband all my friends, my pupils, you...
Reply:God... My Grandmother....Grandfather.. My Mother and My Father....You only asked for 5... There are many more...... The rest I am looking forward to meeting there are still here with me....
Reply:1. I hope to meet The Father, Son and Holy Ghost (counts as one)
2. My Father - who passed away a few months ago (hope his waiting at the pearly gates for me)
3. My favourite Great Aunty
4. My wonderful mother-in-law
5. My Nana
Of course this is supposing that I do make it to Heaven!!! God forbid I go 'downwards' and who I most probably WILL NOT want to meet that end!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Well, its weird answering this, since i don't even believe in a heaven..but if i could emet anyone gaain, i would love to meet my ancestors, such as the majority of my grandparents who were lost in the war
Reply:how many people will i get to meet in hell? i wanna meet Darwin! and Socrates! and Da Vinci! and Homer! and Benjamin Franklin!
Reply:Whether you read Nordic Mythology or Greek Mythology, it is all the same, a deception. Just looking at the word mythology should tell you it is based on a myth. There have been many myths over the years on what happens to people when they die. There have been many myths taught to people and some of those myths have become doctrines in many different religions.
Some religions teach you can actually talk or pray to the dead. We have a man made holiday that honors the night of the dead called Halloween. We have people who call themselves, “Psychics,” and it is taught you can possibly talk to a loved one who has died through a Psychic. We even have an example in the Bible where Saul tried to have contact with Samuel through a Psychic or Medium (1 Sam. 28:8). This fascination or belief we can talk to the dead has been going on for thousands of years.
These practices have come from ancient pagan beliefs. The idea when someone dies and goes to heaven was created a long time ago. Again, it is just another deception that Satan has used to cause people to separate themselves from God. What have you been taught and what do you believe? There’s no better place to go than the Bible to see what truly happens after someone dies.
The Bible, God’s true word, teaches us the dead know nothing (Ecc. 9:5). Jesus Christ said it himself, “no one has ascended to heaven (John 3:13).” Peter also preached that David was still in his tomb and had not gone to heaven (Acts 2:34). You can also go to Hebrews, Chapter 11, and read how those who have been faithful have not received the promise. What promise? They have not yet received that promise which is their inheritance that includes eternal life and reigning with Jesus Christ in the city he has prepared for them (Heb. 11:16).
When someone dies, he is dead. Lazarus was dead for four days before Christ brought him back to life (John 11:17). He didn’t go to heaven and then come back. The idea of dying and going to heaven is a counterfeit to God’s plan for His children and for all of mankind. The idea of going to heaven and meeting Peter at the pearly gates is another myth taught by churches that take many scriptures out of context.
Taking an obscure scripture and building a theory based on that one scripture usually create deceptions. Plus, the worldly teachings and practices are integrated and a person then develops a falsehood or a deception. Many people then start to follow these teachings and they become traditions. Yet, these followers have never taken the time to look in the Bible to see what God really says.
God says each precept is built upon another precept and a line is built upon another line (Isa. 28:10). It’s bad practice to take one scripture and try to build a doctrine based on that one scripture. We are told to prove all things and we are told to test the spirits to see what is from God and what is from the father of lies (1 John 4:1). For every good thing God has created, Satan has tried to come up with a counterfeit to mislead people and to deceive many. What is one of the many wonderful things God has created?
God has created a plan for mankind (2 Pet. 3:9). It is a plan for those whom He has chosen at this time and it is a plan for all of mankind that has ever lived (1 Pet. 2:9 and Rev. 20:11). Those who have died in Christ are still asleep and they await his return (1 Thess. 4:14). Those who are now living and have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior also wait for his return (Rom. 8:23). The ones who have overcome and died in Christ and those who are overcoming will receive their reward when Christ does return and they will be resurrected as spirit beings (1 Cor. 15-50). The children of God will then be born into the Kingdom of God when Christ returns (John 3:5).
Now that is a plan that stirs up the blood and can cause someone to jump with joy. It is also a plan that offers hope for His children and for those who may have died never hearing the name of Jesus Christ. The blind will see and the deaf will hear (Isa. 61:1 and Isa. 42:7). The lame will be healed and jump for joy (Isa. 35:6). No more suffering, no more pain, and no more sorrow (Rev. 21:4). There will be no more deception because Satan will not be around to deceive anyone (Rev. 20:1).
No one will be sitting on a cloud, floating around playing a harp. There will be work for all of us to do in the millennium and then in the Kingdom (Rev. 20:4). No man could ever come up with such a grand idea or plan. Jesus Christ will rule and we will serve him and the Father. All of this is waiting for us if we turn our lives over to Jesus Christ and allow him to live in us.
The theory man has developed over the years of going immediately to heaven after death is a joke and has no substance. The idea of being able to communicate with the dead or even pray to the dead is a terrible falsehood. Our great God does nothing that is mediocre and it’s impossible for Him to lie (Titus 1:2). He has created a plan that is truly meaningful and hopeful. It is for His children and His children’s children (Acts 2:39). Are you willing to follow God and His great plan or are you going to allow yourself to be led astray or misled by the many deceptions that exist in this world today?
Reply:God is at the top of my list, My grandfather, Carl Jung, and both my parents
Reply:Jesus, then hopefully more than 5 people all my family that have are waiting for me.
Reply:I meet billions of good people here and I will meet again billions of them there. And for fear of shame at that rendez-vous, I am trying hard to make violent struggle against my lower self now. Who can tell when is that sudden time? Wishing that you also make proper preparations.
Reply:yeah, i read that book too, quite a nice one. once we die, we all forget our worldly relations. so as a result, i wont remember even if i see my parents, my husband and my kids. so hope fully i will see what i see there, everything new and welcoming. i can go to Heaven only after paying my price in Hell for all the misdeeds i have committed and then go to Heaven..
Reply:I wanna meet first of all Allah i wanna really c his face after him the prophet Mohammed then the last three peoples will be the most close persons to the prophets heart those whom i wanna meet in heaven
Reply:Karate Jesus
The Guy from Big
A giant talking tampon
Skippy the Kangaroo
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